Threads that fluoresce to ultraviolet light are stretched over an outdoor exhibition space and ready-made objects placed there. By shining the ultraviolet light on the exhibition space and the objects after dark, only the threads fluoresces, and the mass and weight are removed from the space and the objects and transforming them into a VIRTUAL POLYGON WORLD. Viewers enter into the vague space to be transformed, and experience a mysterious sense as if they wander into the space between 2D and 3D. Artist Takayuki Mori hopes this work will give viewers a chance to take a fresh look at the materials and spaces around us, and our relationship with them.
Takayuki Mori (born in 1983 Okayama, Japan; lives and works in Kanagawa, Japan) uses lights and permeable materials to make a visual image exposed, that is uncertain and absence, and produces sculpture works with a mysterious presence which is likely to come and go between 2D and 3D.
2006 KYOTO UNIVERSITY OF ART & DESIGN, Sculpture – Kyoto, Japan
2021 LUMINE meets ART AWARD 2020-2021 [NEWoMan Shinjuku / Tokyo, Japan]
2020 The 23rd Exhibition of the Taro Okamoto Award for Contemporary Art [TARO OKAMOTO MUSEUM OF ART, KAWASAKI / Kanagawa, Japan]
2019 Artist in the Garden [Obaen / Kanagawa, Japan]
2018 Smart Illumination Yokohama 2018 [Zou-no-hana-Park / Kanagawa, Jaoan] 2018 Roppongi Art Night 2018 Roppongi Tenso Shurince / Tokyo, Japan]
2020 The 23rd Exhibition of the Taro Okamoto Award for Contemporary Art “Special Award”