Electronic Music Ensembles is a combination of sound installation and ensemble performance featuring both human and non-human performers. There will be an ongoing installation for eight networked computers creating generative audiovisuals throughout the evenings. The Electronic Music Ensemble of Wayne State (EMEWS) will also perform original compositions written for electronic instruments. With guidance from EMEWS members, the audience will learn to play electronic music and make music with the machine/human ensemble.
Joo Won Park wants to make every day sound beautiful and strange so that every day becomes beautiful and strange. He performs live with toys, consumer electronics, vegetables, and other non-musical objects by digitally processing their sounds. He has taught in Oberlin Conservatory, Temple University, Rutgers University Camden, and Community College of Philadelphia before coming to Wayne State University as an assistant professor of music technology. Joo Won's music and writings are available on MIT Press, Parma Recordings, ICMC, Spectrum Press, Visceral Media, SEAMUS, and No Remixes labels. He also directs the Electronic Music Ensemble of Wayne State (EMEWS), an undergraduate ensemble touring multiple states.