2021 Exhibition

Death of the Last Tree

41. Death of the Last Tree

Artist Information

Death of the Last Tree is a shadow puppet play by Tom Carey (rustynailstudio.org). An Anthropocene fairytale for all ages with an original sound track created by Kimberly Henninger and Shawn Parke (henningerparkemusic.com).

Tom Carey

Tom Carey

Tom Carey was born and raised in Detroit, Michigan. He received a Bachelor of Fine Arts in painting from Wayne State University in 1996, and a Master in Fine Arts from the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts in 2000. While working on his MFA, Tom began making relief prints, often incorporating them into large collaged paintings. Relief printmaking and drawing have been the focus of Tom’s studio practice over the past fifteen years. His work has been shown in galleries in New York City, Philadelphia, and Detroit. In addition to print editions, Tom has also incorporated his relief prints in unique handmade books, and hand printed covers to photo copied art zines. One of Tom’s hand made books is in the Print Collection of the New York Public Library. As an extension of the wood cut process, Tom began making, and performing with, shadow puppets in 2007. These original shadow puppet performances have been featured in shows at a variety of venues including the Detroit Institute of the Arts, and Issue Project Room in Brooklyn, New York.