DLECTRICITY™ took place during September 22 & 23, 2017, in Midtown Detroit and showcased 36 artists from Detroit and around the world from the DIA to MOCAD.
LOCATION: The Hannan House
Speramus Meliora, Resurget Cineribus is a project in three parts:
1) It is an inter-generational workshop focusing on hands-on, community based kinetic and visual storytelling through animation. Community participation is organized by Misha Stallworth, Director of Arts and Culture at Hannan House in Midtown Detroit. During summer 2017, workshop participants create projected animated sequences based on their audio narration of the mantra phrase: “Speramus Meliora, Reserget Cinerbus” or “We hope for better things, It will rise from the ashes”, the motto of the city of Detroit.
Participants work with old school overhead projectors to create paper & color gel backgrounds & puppets. They become magic lantern shadow puppeteers, telling our Detroit stories through the shadows one frame at a time.
2) The synchronized animated video results from the workshop are projected in the windows of Hannan House during DLECTRICITY™.
3) During DLECTRICITY, an animation projection studio is installed in the Ellen Kayrod Gallery, inside Hannan House, for the public to ‘play’ in the same manner & process that was used in the workshop.
“Magic inspires my art; the something that comes from nothing.”
Gary Schwartz (Artist-Animator-Educator) is an Academy Award nominated filmmaker, award winning animator, director, artist & educator. Mr. Schwartz conducts intensive hands-on Kinetic Visual Storytelling Animation workshops in elementary, middle, high school, under-graduate, graduate, post-graduate, professional training, film festivals, museums, summer camps, community centers, prisons & psychiatric hospitals national & internationally in an environment of creativity, imagination & self-expression.
Through his company, Single Frame Films, Gary produced, designed & directed animation for Disney, Sesame Street, MTV, Fox Television, The Corporation for Public Broadcasting and others.
His kinetic cinema sculptures, installations & films have been exhibited in major museums & galleries internationally.